Česky / English

Our tantric masseuses and masseurs are fully trained and certified. They have passed  various trainings from teachers like John Hawken, Alan Lowen, David Deida or Richard Vojík and Denisa Palečková.


Tantric massage is, for me personally, the manifestation of the deepest respect to the receiving person and his/her body.

We all deserve loving and caring touch we receive more or less from our partners. The head and body is relaxed during the massage and it leads to the much more intense experience, that stays with us many more hours after the massage.

If you do not get enough touch or energy, the tantric massage gives you both. Our body is the place we reside, it is the temple of our soul and that is why we all deserve tender, sensitive and caring attention this massage provides.



Tantric massage means entering another dimension. Freeing myself from everyday worries. Perceiving myself here and now thanks to touch, caressing and understanding.
I love massage – and tantra is simply a higher level. It is not just a muscle massage; it goes deeper into the body and soul.
I love bodywork and I have practiced it for nine years. I can see and feel how important touch is and how immensely it influences our health and wellbeing.
The best thing is that everyone can have it. Age or sex do not matter.

We all deserve pampering.




The conscious and loving touch of the masseur, in which both the body and the mind of the one receiving massage, surrender to a flood of sensual and blissful sensations with conscious awareness of themselves and their essence of being.

That's my perception of tantra massage.


A realization of that we are not only a physical body brought me to Tantra. It is a perception of life through the eyes of love ... it is everyday joy of the present moment. It is a feeling of happiness in ordinary activities, a sense of fulfillment from breathing, from good food, from dancing or birds singing. We are light beings living in a temple. The temple is our body that needs to loved. Tantric massage teaches you to love yourself, to accept yourself and to realize your uniqueness. Open your heart and love life, as is ... and everything beautiful will simply come.